I vanished somewhere around July 2017. Where have I been and what have I been doing?
The short answer is that real life ate me. The longer answer involves workplace bullying, misogyny, ageism, and queerphobia; a 6-month stint of consulting and existential crises; a second tour of duty at an old (and much much friendlier) workplace; radical positive changes in friendships; and turning 50, along with an extended wodge of writer’s block.
I’m still editing Wonder City Stories volume 3 — now titled Forgotten Heroes — but I think it will be in good shape once I’m through that. Then I have the challenge of figuring out how to fund publishing it with my altered employment circumstances (a loss of supplementary income I used to have). I might do a bit of fundraising, possibly with the assistance of Madame Destiny, in order to do so.
I have a few other items that I’ve been shopping around, but no nibbles yet. We’ll see how that goes.
What writing I’ve been managing to do has either been on my genealogical books or on the world document for a tabletop RPG world that I’ve been running for my gaming group, where the characters are all from a nation of genderqueer shapeshifters. My players all want me to write novels in the world, and one of my players has induced me to work a little bit on a short story with them. Another thing that we’ll see about.
In any case, I’m working on the writer’s block, and will let you know if I’m successful at breaking it, and meanwhile will also consider the ways and means to getting Forgotten Heroes out into the world.